Kersthuwelijk Robert & Miho in Kasteel Vaalsbroek


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Wedding Photographer in Vaals: a romantic wedding reportage around Christmas in the elegant Kasteel Vaalsbroek

This couple lives in Japan. The groom originally hails from Limbricht but has been living in Japan for 16 years. They were already married in Japan, and today, their legal wedding took place in Limburg at Kasteel Vaalsbroek in Vaals. About a month before the wedding, I received an inquiry for their wedding reportage at Kasteel Vaalsbroek via email.

It was my first winter wedding, and unfortunately, the weather wasn't ideal today. It wasn't cold, but there was a drizzle when I arrived. Nevertheless, we quickly took a few photos of the family outside. After that, we moved inside the castle to capture the rest of the photos amidst the beautiful Christmas decorations.

I've never laughed so much during a wedding ceremony – what a funny wedding officiant (Carla Pera from! The entire gathering laughed a lot. There were 20 guests, including Miho's Japanese family and friends – a cozy and cheerful group.

My coverage ended as the dinner started. Upon arriving home, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten the group photos! I quickly drove back to Vaals, and between courses during the dinner, we managed to take the family photos.

Here are some of the photos from today's wedding reportage.

We waren alleen in Nederland voor ons huwelijk en alles moest dan ook op zeer korte termijn worden geregeld, merendeel via email. Shirley was zeer gastvrij en begreep meteen wat we wilden, waar we zelf eigenlijk niet eens wisten wat we nu eigenlijk wilden.... De shoot zelf was uiterst relaxt, Shirley weet precies hoe ze mensen "los" kan krijgen, en het resultaat is gewoon ongelofelijk mooi geworden. Als je op zoek bent naar een fotografe in het zuiden van het land, zeer zeker ook Shirley bellen/mailen!

Gepubliceerd op de website van The perfect Wedding

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Kersthuwelijk Robert & Miho in Kasteel Vaalsbroek



