Wedding Photographer Vaals: International wedding at Frankenhofmolen, the town hall, and Lodge 7


Wedding Photographer Limburg: An international wedding in Vaals at Frankenhofmolen, the town hall, and Lodge 7

Last Friday, I had the pleasure of capturing another fantastic wedding, this time between American Shoshannah and Limburg-native Ruud. This couple tied the knot at the town hall in Vaals and celebrated their wedding day at Frankenhofmolen. I had the privilege of creating a wedding reportage of the entire event.

As a wedding photographer, it's always delightful to hear the story of how a couple met during the wedding ceremony, and this one was truly unique. They encountered each other hitchhiking in China, sharing the back seat of a car! And then, fate brought them together again by chance in a hostel.

The wedding reportage of this incredibly charming couple began that morning at Frankenhofmolen in Vaals, a historic building in the green hills that they had rented for their wedding.

Shoshannah was assisted into her wedding dress by a large group of ladies, while groom Ruud dressed up alongside his friends and male family members. I captured spontaneous wedding photos of all these moments. A final toast was raised to the end of bachelorhood.

Ruud awaited Shoshannah at the bottom of the stairs, and then it was time for his first surprise for the bride: a beautiful carriage with two Haflingers in front, ready to take the couple to the town hall in Vaals.

In Vaals, they were greeted by a large group of friends and family, including many Americans. A beautiful ceremony unfolded with live guitar music from the aunts and two heartfelt speeches from the witnesses.

After exchanging vows, a toast was shared outside on the square for the newlyweds. The horse-drawn carriage was waiting once again, and I had the privilege of joining for a ride through the fields. The coachman found a beautiful, freshly mowed, golden-yellow grain field where we captured several wedding photos with the carriage.

Afterward, it was time to slowly return to Frankenhofmolen for the cutting of the unique wedding cake. This cake was adorned with a sugar-made bride and groom and their mascot, "Piggy," who had traveled with them everywhere.

Around five o'clock, all the guests departed for Lodge 7 in Vaals, where the wedding dinner took place. I took some posed photos of the couple around the mill, and then we drove to Lodge 7. Here, guests enjoyed a relaxed drink, and the DJ had set up for the first dance.

Following dinner, with a speech from the masters of ceremonies and another beautiful live performance for the aunts, it was time to hit the dance floor. Everyone gathered in the round space of Lodge 7, where the bride and groom delivered a spectacular opening dance to the tune of "I'm Sexy and I Know It."

I captured some atmospheric shots of the dancing guests, and around half past nine, I bid farewell as the party was already in full swing.

Shirley was de perfecte fotograaf! We hebben haar nooit opgemerkt de hele dag, maar je ziet terug in onze foto's dat ze overal was! Haar fotografie is spontaan en natuurlijk en dat past helemaal bij ons. Iedereen (alle gasten) was echt enthousiast over haar manier van werken - ze ziet er heel netjes uit (op haar hoge hakken en met haar camerakoffer is ze overal naartoe gerend om de perfecte foto te maken op precies het juiste moment)! We kunnen Shirley zeker aanbevelen.

(gepubliceerd op de website van The Perfect Wedding)


Weddingdress Ann & John's Bruidsmode
Wedding cake Eclair gebak Maasbracht
Pak bruidegom Oger Amsterdam
Haar bruid Carool Platteel Hair & Beauty Weert
Party location Lodge 7 Vaals
DJ Nick Wijnand
Flowers Vakwerk Vijlen
Trouwauto Trouwkoets Zuid-Limburg
Wedding venue Gemeentehuis Vaals
Trouwringen Bario Neal en Siebel Juweliers Weert
verblijf Vrankenhofmolen Vaals
Visagie Carool Platteel Hair & Beauty Weert

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Wedding Photographer Vaals: International wedding at Frankenhofmolen, the town hall, and Lodge 7



